By strengthening the foundation of Bhattarak Sanstha, he gave a new direction to the society. Establishment of prohibitions in cities like Awan, Todarai Singh is a sign of his bright image.
Acharya Somkirti ji Acharya Somkirti was an eminent scholar of the 16th century, a prominent literary servant, a prominent saint and a prominent saint. He was a yogi. He was engrossed in self-realiseDespite being Bhattaraka, he preferred to write himself as Acharya. The names of the texts composed by Shri Somkirti are as follows:
*Sanskrit compositions 1. Saptavyasan-story-set 2. Pradyumna charitr
3. Ashtahinka-Vratakatha Samvaran Puja Yashodharcharitra
Hindi compositions Yashodhar Raas
4.Guru name_Rishabhnath's dhul
Open Kriya song 5. Adinath Vinati
All the above compositions of Acharya Somkirti are considered important from all points of view like language, theme and style.
Pradyumna character and
Prashammurti Acharya Shantisagar Chhani Memorial Book
* Hindi prose commentaries of Yashodhar character have been done and 4 for self-study
There is enough demand for them."
Bhattaraka Gyanbhushan ji Bhattaraka Gyanbhushan ji, Bhattaraka Bhuvankirti ji was followed by Bhattarak sitting on the cart.Pradyumna character and
Prashammurti Acharya Shantisagar Chhani Memorial Book
* Hindi prose commentaries of Yashodhar character have been done and 4 for self-study
There is enough demand for them."
Bhattaraka Gyanbhushan ji Bhattaraka Gyanbhushan ji, Bhattaraka Bhuvankirti ji was followed by Bhattarak sitting on the cart.He was the most popular Bhattaraka of his time. North India
He had tremendous influence in and especially in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Despite the Muslim rule, he continued to travel on foot, and by organizing big celebrations, he continued to propagate Jainism, literature and culture. There were very few scholars at that time to match him. His speech style was also attractive. Bhattaraka Gyanbhushan ji's time Samvat 1530
It is believed to date from 1557. He had a special interest in literary creation. They had full authority over Prakrit, Sanskrit, Gujarati and Rajasthani.
Shri Nathuram Premi has mentioned his Tatvgyantarangini, Siddhantsar Bhashya, Paramarthopadesh, Neminirvanapanjika Tika, Panchastikaya, Dashlakshnodyapan, Adishwarphag, Bhaktamrodyapan, Saraswati Puja etc. texts have been mentioned.
In addition to the above compositions, Pt. Parmanand ji Shastri has mentioned more about Saraswati eulogy, self-realization. But till now the following compositions have been made available in the Granth Bhandars of Rajasthan:
*Sanskrit works :- 1. Self-realization poetry 2. Tatvgyan Tarangini 3. Rishi Mandal Puja
worship commentary
Panchakalyanak Vratodyapan Puja 6. Bhaktamar Puja 7. Shruta Puja 8. Saraswati Puja 9. Saraswati Stuti
10. Shastramandal Puja
Prashammurti Acharya Shantisagar Chhani Memorial Book
भट्टारक संस्था की नींव सुदृढ़ करके समाज को एक नई दिशा प्रदान की। आवां, टोडारायसिंह जैसे नगरों में निषेधिकाएं स्थापित किया जाना ही उनकी उज्ज्वल छवि का द्योतक है।
आचार्य सोमकीर्ति जी आचार्य सोमकीर्ति 16वीं शताब्दी के उद्भट विद्वान्, प्रमुख साहित्य सेवी, प्रतिष्ठाचार्य एवं प्रमुख सन्त थे। वे योगी थे। आत्मसाधना में तल्लीन रहते थे। वे संस्कृत, प्राकृत, राजस्थानी, गुजराती एवं हिन्दी के प्रकाण्ड विद्वान थे। उन्होंने संस्कृत एवं हिंदी दोनों ही भाषाओं को अपनी रचनाओं से उपकृत किया। उनकी प्रेरणा से कितने ही मंदिरों का निर्माण हुआ। बीसों पंचकल्याणक प्रतिष्ठायें इनके निर्देशन में संपन्न हुई। वे श्रमण संस्कृति, साहित्य एवं शिक्षा के महान् प्रचारक थे। वे संवत् 1518 में भट्टारक पद पर आसीन हुए और संवत् 1540 तक भट्टारक गादी पर बने रहे। वे भट्टारक होते हुए भी अपने को आचार्य लिखना अधिक पसंद करते थे। श्री सोमकीर्ति द्वारा रचित ग्रंथों के नाम निम्न प्रकार हैं :
*संस्कृत रचनायें
1. सप्तव्यसन-कथा-समुच्चय
2. प्रद्युम्न चरित्र
3.अष्टाहिनका-व्रतकथा समवसरणपूजा यशोधरचरित्र
हिंदी रचनायें यशोधर रास
4.गुरु नामावली _ रिषभनाथ की धूल
ओपन क्रियागीत
5. आदिनाथ विनती
आचार्य सोमकीर्ति की उक्त सभी रचनायें भाषा, विषय एवं शैली आदि सभी दृष्टियों से महत्वपूर्ण रचनायें मानी जाती हैं।
प्रद्युम्न चरित्र एवं
*यशोधर चरित्र की हिन्दी गद्य टीकायें हो चुकी हैं तथा स्वाध्याय के लिये 4उनकी पर्याप्त मांग रहती है।"
भट्टारक ज्ञानभूषण जी भट्टारक ज्ञानभूषण जी, भट्टारक भुवनकीर्ति जी के पश्चात् भट्टारक गादी पर बैठे थे। वे अपने समय के सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय भट्टारक थे। उत्तरी भारत
में एवं विशेषतः राजस्थान एवं गुजरात में उनका जबरदस्त प्रभाव था। मुस्लिम शासन काल होते हुए भी वे बराबर पद यात्रायें करते रहे और बड़े-बड़े समारोहों का आयोजन करके जैनधर्म, साहित्य एवं संस्कृति का प्रचार करते रहे। विद्वानों में उनकी बराबरी करने वाले उस समय बहुत कम थे। उनकी भाषण-शैली भी आकर्षक थी। भट्टारक ज्ञानभूषण जी का समय संवत् 1530
से 1557 तक का माना जाता है। साहित्य सृजन में इनकी विशेष रुचि थी। 1 प्राकृत, संस्कृत, गुजराती एवं राजस्थानी पर इनका पूर्ण अधिकार था।
श्री नाथूराम प्रेमी ने इनके तत्वज्ञानतरंगिणी, सिद्धान्तसार भाष्य, परमार्थोपदेश, नेमिनिर्वाणपंजिका टीका, पंचास्तिकाय, दशलक्षणोद्यापन, आदीश्वरफाग, भक्तामरोद्यापन, सरस्वती पूजा आदि ग्रंथों का उल्लेख किया है।' पं. परमानन्द जी शास्त्री ने उक्त रचनाओं के अतिरिक्त सरस्वती स्तवन, - आत्मसंबोधन का और उल्लेख किया है। लेकिन राजस्थान के ग्रंथ भंडारों जा में इनकी अब तक निम्न रचनायें उपलध हो चुकी हैं :
*संस्कृत कृतियां :-
1. आत्मसंबोधन काव्य
2. तत्वज्ञान तरंगिणी
3. ऋषिमंडल पूजा
4. पूजाष्टक टीका
5. पंचकल्याणक व्रतोद्यापन पूजा
6. भक्तामर पूजा
7. श्रुतपूजा
8. सरस्वती पूजा
9. सरस्वती स्तुति
10. शास्त्रमंडल पूजा
11. दशलक्षणव्रतोद्यापन पूजा
प्रशममूर्ति आचार्य शान्तिसागर छाणी स्मृति-ग्रन्थ
Smriti Granth
Smriti Granth
आचार्य श्री १०८ सोमकीर्ति 16 शताब्दी
Nutan Chougule created Digjainwiki Hindi page for Acharya on 26th June 2021
Nutan Chougule created Digjainwiki page for Acharya on 26th June 2021
By strengthening the foundation of Bhattarak Sanstha, he gave a new direction to the society. Establishment of prohibitions in cities like Awan, Todarai Singh is a sign of his bright image.
Acharya Somkirti ji Acharya Somkirti was an eminent scholar of the 16th century, a prominent literary servant, a prominent saint and a prominent saint. He was a yogi. He was engrossed in self-realiseDespite being Bhattaraka, he preferred to write himself as Acharya. The names of the texts composed by Shri Somkirti are as follows:
*Sanskrit compositions 1. Saptavyasan-story-set 2. Pradyumna charitr
3. Ashtahinka-Vratakatha Samvaran Puja Yashodharcharitra
Hindi compositions Yashodhar Raas
4.Guru name_Rishabhnath's dhul
Open Kriya song 5. Adinath Vinati
All the above compositions of Acharya Somkirti are considered important from all points of view like language, theme and style.
Pradyumna character and
Prashammurti Acharya Shantisagar Chhani Memorial Book
* Hindi prose commentaries of Yashodhar character have been done and 4 for self-study
There is enough demand for them."
Bhattaraka Gyanbhushan ji Bhattaraka Gyanbhushan ji, Bhattaraka Bhuvankirti ji was followed by Bhattarak sitting on the cart.Pradyumna character and
Prashammurti Acharya Shantisagar Chhani Memorial Book
* Hindi prose commentaries of Yashodhar character have been done and 4 for self-study
There is enough demand for them."
Bhattaraka Gyanbhushan ji Bhattaraka Gyanbhushan ji, Bhattaraka Bhuvankirti ji was followed by Bhattarak sitting on the cart.He was the most popular Bhattaraka of his time. North India
He had tremendous influence in and especially in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Despite the Muslim rule, he continued to travel on foot, and by organizing big celebrations, he continued to propagate Jainism, literature and culture. There were very few scholars at that time to match him. His speech style was also attractive. Bhattaraka Gyanbhushan ji's time Samvat 1530
It is believed to date from 1557. He had a special interest in literary creation. They had full authority over Prakrit, Sanskrit, Gujarati and Rajasthani.
Shri Nathuram Premi has mentioned his Tatvgyantarangini, Siddhantsar Bhashya, Paramarthopadesh, Neminirvanapanjika Tika, Panchastikaya, Dashlakshnodyapan, Adishwarphag, Bhaktamrodyapan, Saraswati Puja etc. texts have been mentioned.
In addition to the above compositions, Pt. Parmanand ji Shastri has mentioned more about Saraswati eulogy, self-realization. But till now the following compositions have been made available in the Granth Bhandars of Rajasthan:
*Sanskrit works :- 1. Self-realization poetry 2. Tatvgyan Tarangini 3. Rishi Mandal Puja
worship commentary
Panchakalyanak Vratodyapan Puja 6. Bhaktamar Puja 7. Shruta Puja 8. Saraswati Puja 9. Saraswati Stuti
10. Shastramandal Puja
Prashammurti Acharya Shantisagar Chhani Memorial Book
Smriti Granth
Acharya Shri 108 Somkirti 16 Century
Nutan Chougule created Digjainwiki page for Acharya on 26th June 2021
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