Other Phone Numbers
+919393939393, +91-4848485748
Shree Digamber Jain Dasha Humad Samaj Hiran Magri was established in the year 1994. Humad Jain originated from Ider, Gujarat then migrated to Deogarh due to some reasons and finally settled in Pratapgarh, Rajasthan.
The personnel of Shree Humad Jain Samaj Hiran Magri have always had deep interest in education, hard working, and honesty in each and every field. For better and higher education they have travelled to Indore, Mumbai and many other cities in India and even went abroad. This trust has always taken progressive steps to bring about reforms and changes and has the foresight to keep up with the current times. This initiative was planned and executed keeping in mind the outlook of our new generation. We are very proud to be a Humad Jain.
Shree Digamber Jain Dasha Humad Samaj Hiran Magri was established in the year 1994. Humad Jain originated from Ider, Gujarat then migrated to Deogarh due to some reasons and finally settled in Pratapgarh, Rajasthan.
The personnel of Shree Humad Jain Samaj Hiran Magri have always had deep interest in education, hard working, and honesty in each and every field. For better and higher education they have travelled to Indore, Mumbai and many other cities in India and even went abroad. This trust has always taken progressive steps to bring about reforms and changes and has the foresight to keep up with the current times. This initiative was planned and executed keeping in mind the outlook of our new generation. We are very proud to be a Humad Jain.
Shree Digamber Jain Dasha Humad Samaj Hiran Magri was established in the year 1994. Humad Jain originated from Ider, Gujarat then migrated to Deogarh due to some reasons and finally settled in Pratapgarh, Rajasthan.
The personnel of Shree Humad Jain Samaj Hiran Magri have always had deep interest in education, hard working, and honesty in each and every field. For better and higher education they have travelled to Indore, Mumbai and many other cities in India and even went abroad. This trust has always taken progressive steps to bring about reforms and changes and has the foresight to keep up with the current times. This initiative was planned and executed keeping in mind the outlook of our new generation. We are very proud to be a Humad Jain.
इतिहास हमारे गौरवशाली अतीत के स्वर्ण पृष्ठों का प्रामाणिक दस्तावेज है । वह हमें एक और हमारे सामाजिक व सांस्कृतिक परम्पराओं का बोध कराता है तो दूसरी और हमें अपने वर्तमान का आकलन करने का भी सुअवसर प्रदान करता है । समाज के इतिहासकार एवं शोधकर्ताओं ने ग्रंथो एवं स्थल पर उपलब्ध अवशेषों का अध्ययन करके अपने शोध – पत्रों और लेख के माध्यम से हूमड़ समाज के उद्गम , नामकरण , विस्थापन , स्थानांतरण , साधु – संतो , संस्कृति इत्यादि की जानकारी उपलब्ध कराने का प्रयत्न किया है । इस परम सेवा के क्षेत्र में कार्य करने हेतु श्रीमान हीरालालजी सालगिया – अहमदाबाद के कुशल नेतृत्व में हुमड़ समाज शोध समिति के अंतर्गत सम्पूर्ण भारतवर्ष से कई शिक्षाविद् , चिंतक , समाज – सेवी और इतिहासकारों , शोधकर्ताओं के योगदान से नवम्बर 1945 एवं अगस्त 2000 में ‘ हूमड़ समाज का सांस्कृतिक इतिहास ‘ नाम से दो ग्रंथों का प्रकाशन किया गया था | अभी भी इस क्षेत्र में ” शोध ‘ की अत्यन्त आवश्यकता है । आपके लिए प्रस्तुत संक्षिप्त इतिहास की जानकारी उक्त ग्रंथों से ली गई है ।
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
Open 24h
By appointment only
February 23, 2025 3:22 am local time
Donate on UPI Id or on the Address provided below
Akul, Baramati, Natepute, Pune
श्री दिगम्बर जैन दशा हुमड़ समाज संस्था
1108,हिरण मगरी, सेक्टर 4
,उदयपुर (राज.)313002
+919393939393, +91-4848485748
1. Humad Smaj Maharashtra
2. Humad Saman M.P
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