Padmanabh Shrivarma Jaini is an Indian born scholar of Jainism and Buddhism, currently living in Berkeley, California, United States. He is from a Digambar Jain family; however he is equally familiar with both the Digambara and Svetambara forms of Jainism. He has taught at the Banaras Hindu University, the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and at the University of California at Berkeley, from which he retired in 1994. Professor Jaini is the author of several books and papers. His best known work is The Jaina Path of Purification (1979). Some of his major articles have been published under these titles: The Collected Papers on Jaina Studies (2000) and Collected Papers on Buddhist Studies (2001).
Jaini was born to a Digambar Jain family residing in Nellikar, a small town near Moodabidri, Karnataka, India. His father had abandoned his title of Shetty and adopted the name of Jaini—after the famous Jain scholar, Jugmandar Lal Jaini (1881-1927)—responding to calls within the community to change their names to foster a greater sense of Jain identity. After completing his elementary education, he was sent to Digambara Jain Gurukul, a boarding school in Karanja in Vidharbha, Maharashtra. It was run on traditional Jain principles and here he came in contact with Jain scholars of his time like – Pandit Nathuram Premi, Dr. Hiralal Jain, Dr. A.N. Upadhye.
After completing his secondary education here, he went to Arts College at Nashik where he took the degree of BA hons in 1947 in Sanskrit and Prakrit. During this time he supported himself by taking a job as a superintendent of a Jain Svetambara Hostel and thus coming in contact with the Svetambara community for the first time.
Path to Scholarship
After graduation, he was invited to study with Pandit Sukhlal Sanghavi, a renowned scholar belonging to the Sthanakvasi Jain tradition.His daily meeting with Sanghavi, involved not only a formal and rigorous instruction in Jain logic, but he was also exposed to Sanghavi's views on various sectarian debates and controversies. With Sukhlalji's encouragement he studied Pali canon and decided to continue his postgraduate studies in Sri Lanka, thus acquiring a thorough knowledge of Pali Canon and Buddhist scriptures. Here he became a Dharmananda Kosambi memorial Scholar and met Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (before his conversion to Buddhism) and was awarded Tripatakacarya degree in 1951 at the residence of the Prime Minister Senanayake. His years in Sri Lanka were the basis for his first publication in Gujarati, "Ceylonman Be Varsa" (Two years in Ceylon). It contains much information on the Theravada Buddhism philosophy and practices.
On returning he took up position as a lecturer in Ahmedabad and in 1952 he took up position as a lecturer in Pali in Benaras university. Subsequently he took up position as a lecturer in Pali and Sanskrit with SOAS, London from 1956 to 1957. There under John Borough's supervision he completed his Ph.D. in Buddhist work, Abhidharmadipa. From there he travelled to Burma, Indonesia, Cambodia and Thailand to collect various Buddhist manuscripts which he later edited and translated for Pali Text Society. Subsequently he moved to University of Michigan as professor of Indic Languages and Literature up to 1972. .Thereafter from 1972 to 1994 he served as a professor of Buddhist studies in Department of South and Southeast Asian studies, University of Berkeley, California. After his retirement, he has continued as Professor Emeritus of the University.The University has constituted "Padmanabh S. Jaini Graduate Student Award in Buddhist Studies" that supports high-achieving graduate students in Buddhist Studies at UC Berkeley and honors Professor Jaini's important legacy in the field of Buddhist studies.
Works and publications
A partial list of works published by Pali text Society include:
His other works include "Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 A.D." published underEncyclopedia of Indian Philosophies series. His autobiography "Yogayoga: Memoirs of Professor Dr. Padmanabh S. Jaini" is translated by Dr. Amit Joharapurkar in Marathi.
Sanjul Jain created wiki page for Jain personality on 10-April-2021
Padmanabh Shrivarma Jaini is an Indian born scholar of Jainism and Buddhism, currently living in Berkeley, California, United States. He is from a Digambar Jain family; however he is equally familiar with both the Digambara and Svetambara forms of Jainism. He has taught at the Banaras Hindu University, the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and at the University of California at Berkeley, from which he retired in 1994. Professor Jaini is the author of several books and papers. His best known work is The Jaina Path of Purification (1979). Some of his major articles have been published under these titles: The Collected Papers on Jaina Studies (2000) and Collected Papers on Buddhist Studies (2001).
पद्मनाभ श्रीवर्मा जैनी जैन धर्म और बौद्ध धर्म के एक भारतीय जन्म विद्वान हैं, वर्तमान में बर्कले, कैलिफोर्निया , संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में रहते हैं। वह एक दिगंबर जैन परिवार से है; हालाँकि वह दिगंबर और श्वेतांबर जैन धर्म के रूपों से समान रूप से परिचित है। उन्होंने बनारस हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय , ओरिएंटल और अफ्रीकी अध्ययन के स्कूल (SOAS), मिशिगन विश्वविद्यालय एन आर्बर में और कैलिफोर्निया विश्वविद्यालय बर्कले में, जहां से वह 1994 में सेवानिवृत्त हुए। प्रोफेसर जैनी कई पुस्तकों और पत्रों के लेखक हैं। उनका सबसे प्रसिद्ध काम द जैना पाथ ऑफ प्यूरिफिकेशन (1979) है। उनके कुछ प्रमुख लेख इन शीर्षकों के तहत प्रकाशित हुए हैं: द कलेक्टेड पेपर्स ऑन जैना स्टडीज़ (2000) और कलेक्टेड पेपर्स ऑन बुद्धिस्ट स्टडीज़ (2001)।
जैनी का जन्म एक परिवार में हुआ था मूड़ाबिद्री , कर्नाटक , भारत के पास के एक छोटे से शहर नेल्लीकर में। उनके पिता ने शेट्टी की अपनी उपाधि त्याग दी थी और जैन के नाम को अपनाया था - प्रसिद्ध जैन विद्वान, जुग्मंदर लाल जैनी (1881-1927) के बाद-समुदाय के भीतर अपने नाम बदलने के लिए जैन पहचान की भावना बढ़ाने के लिए। अपनी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा पूरी करने के बाद, उन्हें दिगंबर जैन गुरुकुल, बोर्डिंग स्कूल करंजा में महाराष्ट्र के विदर्भ में भेजा गया। यह पारंपरिक जैन सिद्धांतों पर चलाया गया था और यहां वे अपने समय के जैन विद्वानों के संपर्क में आए जैसे - पंडित नाथूराम प्रेमी , डॉ। हीरालाल जैन, डॉ ए.एन. उपाध्याय .
यहां अपनी माध्यमिक शिक्षा पूरी करने के बाद, वह नासिक में आर्ट्स कॉलेज गए जहां उन्होंने 1947 में संस्कृत और प्राकृत में बीए ऑनर्स की डिग्री ली। इस दौरान उन्होंने एक जैन श्वेताम्बर छात्रावास के अधीक्षक के रूप में नौकरी करके अपना समर्थन किया और इस तरह पहली बार श्वेताम्बर समुदाय के संपर्क में आए।
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