Muni shri pihitsharavaji maharaj You were born in 1998 in Warang in South India at Kalappaji. Your mother's name was Savitri. Your secular education was completed only till the 8th. Accepted the fast of lifelong celibacy from Adisagarji Maharaj. At Kopargaon.
मुनि श्री १०८ पिहिताश्रव जी महाराज मुनि श्री पिहिताश्रवजी महाराज आपका जन्म वारंग दक्षिण भारत में सन् १५५८ में कालप्पाजी के यहाँ हुवा था। आपकी माता का नाम सावित्री था। आपकी लौकिक शिक्षा ७ वीं तक ही हो पायी थी। पू० आदिसागरजी महाराज से आजीवन ब्रह्मचर्य व्रत स्वीकार किया। कोपरगांव में आपने २३ वर्ष की उम्र में क्षुल्लक दक्षिा ली । १ माह के बाद आपने मुनिश्री से मुनि दीक्षा ग्रहण की । दीक्षा के पश्चात् बाहुबली, उदगांव, संगली आदि स्थानों में विहार कर जैन धर्म की प्रभावना करते रहे । आपने गुरु के साथ म०प्र०,बिहार, राजस्थान, गुजरात, आदि में विहार कर धर्म प्रभावना की । आपने अपने जीवन में अनेकों उपवास आदि किए । तपस्वी जीवन ही मुनियों को कर्मनाश का कारण है तथा आपने अनेक प्रकार की कठोर साधना की अन्त में समाधि पूर्वक प्राणों को त्यागा।
Muni shri pihitsharavaji maharaj You were born in 1998 in Warang in South India at Kalappaji. Your mother's name was Savitri. Your secular education was completed only till the 8th. Accepted the fast of lifelong celibacy from Adisagarji Maharaj. At Kopargaon.
The walk of Life
Muni shri 108 Pihitsharava Ji Maharaj You were born in 1958 in Warang in South India at Kalappaji. Your mother's name was Savitri. Your secular education was completed only till the 8th. Accepted the fast of lifelong celibacy from Adisagarji Maharaj. At Kopargaon, at the age of 23, you took Chhotak Daksh. After 1 month, you received Muni initiation from Munishree. After the initiation, he continued to influence Jainism by visiting places like Bahubali, Udgaon, Sangli etc. You practiced religion with Guru by traveling in Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat, etc. Of. You have done many fasts etc. in your life. The ascetic life itself is the cause of karmasha to the sages and in the end of many hard practices, you will sacrifice your soul in the end.